*Energetics *Emotional Intelligence *Neural rewiring
This is the show where we lay on the table for you everything we have explored in our un-ending thirst for the wisdom of the ages and hunger to tune into the evolution of consciousness.
We are eager to pull back the curtain and share with you the raw inner workings of what it can take to navigate the roughest of waters, reach the highest of peaks and truly embody your essence on your journey to realizing your most magnificent life.
You, the listener, are more than a contribution to what shows up for each live ‘off the cuff’ conversation where playfully we allow the 'a-ha's' to take on a life of their own.
We invite you to listen with childlike curiosity. The frequency of these conversations activate your own innate wisdom. THIS is 'innergetic's.
Where to reach us:
*Website: https://growingbeyond.com
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kim.coleman.5059
*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theveronicaroze/
Episode 11: Our Narratives
OMG those stories that we tell ourselves and others! Here we, Veronica and Kim speak on the power of the narrative. We giggle as we share personal stories and insights on how just by simply noticing and questioning our very own narratives and the stories we tell ourselves over and over, that awareness and choice can lead to something totally different.
00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage
00:42 The Significance of Narrative in Energetics
07:03 The Influence of Others' Projections
11:15 Questioning the Stories We Tell Ourselves
21:32 Exploring Different Perspectives
25:06 Noticing and Shifting Default Narratives
30:01 Navigating Daily Life with Awareness
31:43 Celebrating Awareness and Growth
32:16 Conclusion and Farewell
Where to reach us:
*Website: https://growingbeyond.com
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kim.coleman.5059
*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theveronicaroze/