*Energetics *Emotional Intelligence *Neural rewiring
This is the show where we lay on the table for you everything we have explored in our un-ending thirst for the wisdom of the ages and hunger to tune into the evolution of consciousness.
We are eager to pull back the curtain and share with you the raw inner workings of what it can take to navigate the roughest of waters, reach the highest of peaks and truly embody your essence on your journey to realizing your most magnificent life.
You, the listener, are more than a contribution to what shows up for each live ‘off the cuff’ conversation where playfully we allow the 'a-ha's' to take on a life of their own.
We invite you to listen with childlike curiosity. The frequency of these conversations activate your own innate wisdom. THIS is 'innergetic's.
Where to reach us:
*Website: https://growingbeyond.com
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kim.coleman.5059
*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theveronicaroze/
Episode 3 : Everything is Energy
In this exchange, we speak on how everything is energy. We explore how our it is our energetic alignment and our vibe that creates as well as impacts our experiences and our interactions with life. The key takeaway here is that yes, we are always speaking the language of the universe... energy! If we are saying 'money is my friend' while at the same time feeling totally disempowered by it or out of alignment with that, then that is not congruent. It is the vibe that we be that matters.
00:00 Introduction
05:08 The Importance of Noticing Subtle Energies
11:25 Personal Story: Changing Energetic Configuration
25:39 Prevention through Energetic Play
30:09 Takeaways and Conclusion
Where to reach us:
*Website: https://growingbeyond.com
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kim.coleman.5059
*Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theveronicaroze/